Ridging or earthing up is simply the process of adding soil to the crop such that the bed height is increased. Yields are increased by ridging because tubers are formed from the stems.
Ridging also improves soil aeration, and enhances tuber growth, and minimises tuber greening. The kind and extent of ridging will depend on the planting method, kind and severity of weed infestation, irrigation method used, and to a lesser extent, the potato cultivar grown.
If potatoes are planted in such a manner as to leave the field flat, one or more post planting bed shaping or ridging may be necessary.
The implements for making ridges vary considerably. However, when used properly, all can form acceptable ridges.
No matter what types of cultivating or ridging implements are used, tillage should not take place in wet soils.
Working wet soils results in compaction and clods that will present problems at harvesting time.
Ridging or earthing up is simply the process of adding soil to the crop such that the bed height is increased.
Yields are increased by ridging because tubers are formed from the stems,Ridging also improves soil aeration, and enhances tuber growth, and minimises tuber greening.
The kind and extent of ridging will depend on the planting method, kind and severity of weed infestation, irrigation method used, and to a lesser extent, the potato cultivar is grown.
If potatoes are planted in such a manner as to leave the field flat, one or more post-planting bed shaping or ridging may be necessary. The implements for making ridges vary considerably.
However, when used properly, all can form acceptable ridges. No matter what types of cultivating or ridging implements are used, tillage should not take place in wet soils.
Working wet soils results in compaction and clods that will present problems at harvesting time.