What are the factors that Influence Dry Matter Content of potatoes grown for processing?

by | Aug 30, 2020 | Blog, Uncategorized

Processing high dry matter content is required to achieve a good fry colour and often 20-25% is specified. Nitrogen, potassium and magnesium can all have an influence on tuber dry matter content.

– Low levels of magnesium will reduce the starch content of tubers and trials have confirmed the positive benefits of magnesium on tuber dry matter and specific gravity.

– Nitrogen is an essential nutrient to fuel canopy growth.

– Late harvesting can cause cracks with many ‘oversize’ potatoes

Other factors include:

1. Selecting the right variety to meet dry matter production needs (Fianna, Markies, Moonlight)

2. Planting certified seed such that there is a much lower risk of diseases.

3. Avoiding fields with adverse factors such as poor drainage or low water-holding capacity.

4. Ensuring spray programs are effective .e.g. against early and late blight.

5. Scheduling irrigation to maximise quality characteristics printing stunned growth (under-watering) or growth cracks (inconsistent watering).

6. Harvesting early, thereby minimising late disease attack or tuber deterioration



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