Watering Potatoes

by | Mar 14, 2023 | Uncategorized

Successful potato production depends on adequate water supply throughout the crop’s growing season. Water, which comprises 90-95% of plant tissue and 70-85% of tubers, is probably the most important production factor limiting potato production.




Growth Stage Irrigation Requirements Field Capacity Shortage Excess
Before planting 12mm 60% – Less stems per plant

– Delayed and uneven     emergence

– Promotes poor stand

– Increased clod formation

Planting (Soon after)  44mm 80-90%
Planting to emergence – No irrigation recommended 65-80%
Vegetative stage 15-20mm 70-80% – Restricts plant development and response to fertilization – Impairs the development of a well-developed root system

– Leaching of nutrients from the root zone

Tuber initiation 25.4mm 80-90% – Limits the number of tubers initiated

– Promotes common scab and malformation

– Can induce tuber disorders (brown center associated with hollow heart).
Tuberisation (tuber bulking) 50.8mm 80-90% – Limits foliage development and hastens senescence

– Tuber size is limited and therefore yields are reduced.

– Promotes development of common scab.

– Alternating deficits result in tuber disorders.

– Promote luxurious foliage growth that can be conducive to the development of diseases such as early and late blight.

– increases leaching 

– Leads to enlarged lenticels 

Maturation 38mm 60-65% – Tubers dehydrate

– Vascular tissue discolors if foliage is killed artificially

– Enlarged lenticels

– Delay foliage senescence and skin set

– Higher reducing sugar content and darker chip color

– Promotes weed growth

– Decreases relative tuber density

Harvest No irrigation <60% – Tubers bruise easily

Clods are conductive to mechanical damage of the tubers

– Increased incidence of tuber cracks

– Soil sticks tubers, which hampers harvesting and may induce tuber decay during storage.




Guide1: Selecting and Handling Potato Seed

Generally, a “five percent rule” applies with seed lots. A seed lot with five percent or more total defects is too high to use. To determine the physiological age of seed potatoes, gather a sample, place them indoors and allow them to sprout. Observe the sprouts that...

Guide 4: Monitoring Growth Stages of Potato

The growth of a potato can be broken down into five stages.   The table above has been reproduced with permission from Johnson, D. A., ed., 2008, Potato Health Management, 2nd ed., American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. Growth Stage I: Sprout...

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