Improving Potato Yield: Best Practices Summary

by | Aug 24, 2024 | Ask Dijo

By focusing on these key areas and adopting a comprehensive approach to potato farming, farmers can improve their yields and overall productivity. Here’s a concise summary:

1. Optimize Soil Health: Regular soil testing, pH adjustment, and incorporation of organic matter.
2. Select Quality Seeds: Use certified disease-free seeds, cut and sprout them properly.
3. Plant Effectively: Proper timing, spacing, and depth during planting.
4. Fertilize Adequately: Balanced basal and top dressing fertilization, with attention to micronutrients.
5. Manage Water Efficiently: Consistent irrigation using efficient systems and scheduling.
6. Control Pests and Diseases: Implement integrated pest management, resistant varieties, and crop rotation.
7. Manage Weeds: Use pre-and post-emergence herbicides and mechanical weeding.
8. Harvest and Store Properly: Gentle harvesting, curing, and proper storage.
9. Keep Records: Maintain detailed records and monitor crop growth.
10. Seek Training: Participate in training and use extension services.

Implementing these practices will help optimize potato yields, enhance crop quality, and ensure sustainable production.

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Guide1: Selecting and Handling Potato Seed

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