It is important for the producer to give attention to certain factors to limit mechanical damage and bruising during harvest.
The readiness of the different cultivar/varieties for harvesting can be determined by observing certain signs or symptoms these symptoms can give an indication of the correct time to commence harvesting;
They include:
1. Depending on the variety the foliage will start to become yellow and senescence can occur after 16 – 20 weeks or less. During the following two to four weeks, the skin will thicken and become firm, which is an indication that the tubers are mature and ready for harvesting.
2. Potatoes can be harvested before the senescence of the foliage. In this case, marketing should take place within seven days after harvesting as the appearance and quality of tubers can rapidly decline.
If this is your case we encourage you to start marketing your crop at 6 weeks before harvesting, targeting markets like restaurants, supermarkets, and fresh produce markets among others.
3. Producers should ensure that the supposedly better market opportunity will compensate for the potential yield loss that prematurely killing off the foliage results in.
Sometimes farmers are forced to harvest prematurely in order to avoid a bigger loss from disease or pest infestation.
Guide1: Selecting and Handling Potato Seed
Generally, a “five percent rule” applies with seed lots. A seed lot with five percent or more total defects is too high to use. To determine the physiological age of seed potatoes, gather a sample, place them indoors and allow them to sprout. Observe the sprouts that...