Kukohwa Mbatatisi

Kukohwa mbatatisi kunoda hunyanzvi kuti murimi awane gohwo rakanaka. Hezvino zvimwe zvaunofanira kutevera: Nguva Yakakodzera Yekukohwa: Mbatatisi dzinokohwewa mushure mekunge ganda rekunze ranyatsosimba zvekuti hadzizokanganisiki patinenge tavakudzichera kubva muvhu....

Improving Potato Yield: Best Practices

Improving potato yield involves implementing best management practices, optimizing resource use, and addressing specific challenges related to soil, water, pests, and diseases. Here are some practical tips for improving potato yield: 1. Soil Preparation and Health...

Improving Potato Yield: Best Practices Summary

By focusing on these key areas and adopting a comprehensive approach to potato farming, farmers can improve their yields and overall productivity. Here’s a concise summary: 1. Optimize Soil Health: Regular soil testing, pH adjustment, and incorporation of organic...

Common Scab (Streptomyces scabies) in Potatoes

Common scab is a disease that affects the appearance of potatoes, causing economic losses for producers due to the downgrading of infected table potatoes. While it does not significantly impact yield or short-term storage, the lesions can serve as entry points for...

Bacterial Wilt (Brown Rot) in Potatoes

Bacterial Wilt, also known as Brown Rot, is a serious disease in potatoes caused by the bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. Proper identification and management are crucial to prevent significant crop losses. Symptoms: The plant wilts while still green, even when the...
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